Friday, January 6, 2017

How to Give Someone Power of Attorney

 by Nicholas Copernicus

 A Power of Attorney is a form that can be used to legally authorize some one else to handle your financial affairs. For an example, many times people give their dependent mothers the legal authority to withdraw money from their bank account while they�re away on vacation.

The most important thing to understand about (General) Power of Attorney forms is that they are only for giving some one else permission to handle your financial matters for you.

It is also important to know that there are several types of power of attorney forms, including one involving health care. Be sure you know which one you want.

Once you know whether you want a health care, durable, or just general Power of Attorney form then locate the form online for print. You should be able to find a lot of different legal form providers just by searching the forms name. That's also a good way to find more information about the different kinds of POA forms. Also, be aware that each state has a preferred form.

Now fill out the form. You will need to include your full name and the full name of the person your appointing. The person your appointing is referred to as the attorney-in-fact on the form. It's just the terminology they use for appointee. There will also be a series of boxes to check that allow you to choose various types of matters you are giving permission for this person to handle. Select all of the powers you are giving to your attorney-in-fact. Then sign the form before a notary and make sure it gets filed with the county clerk.

Also, you should know that you can revoke the form at anytime. This is done by filing a Revocation of Power of Attorney. It�s also a good idea to notify your power of attorney appointee that their powers have been revoked and tell the same to anyone they�ve done business with on your behalf.

Be sure that the person you are naming in your document is fully aware of it and approves. They should be comfortable with the whole thing. You should also feel comfortable too; see an attorney if you feel you don't understand the form.

This article has been written for information and interest purposes only. The information contained within this article is the opinion of the author only, and should not be construed as legal advice or used to make legal decisions. Consult an attorney in your area if you�re seeking legal advice.

'How to Give Someone Power of Attorney' has been brought to you by legal forms provider Legal Forms Bank .Biz. At their website they will have the power of attorney form for your state.

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